Week 3 self reflection

One of the idea that I like during the class is the idea of own>consider>carry>use.

We have many things, but when we are thinking of what to bring out door, we zoom into particular objects. And when we are about to carry them out, we put down some more. And finally, we may or may not notice that we use only some of the things that we carried.

Same thing go to our mind. We have lots of knowledge, but when we think, we cannot recall all at once. Then we are not able to do everything that we think of, so we focus more to things that we can do. And while we are doing, we do it based on situation. So, our idea limited down to fit the objective. As for creative people, they may not follow this, because they see thing differently and always seek for new solution.

Same goes this week lecture's note. It is so compacted with texts, not all are discussed. Based on what had been discussed, not all are dropped down by learners. And based on what had been dropped down, very little learners do revision based on it.
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