Week 6 Self Reflection

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Based on the class exercise, here are my new concept for the uses of "mortar @ pestle":

By that time in the future, pestle is something very classic and ancient; so it carries lots of history and value. A person having a set of mortar and pestle will be respected.
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Week 6 Class Summary

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Date: 23 February 2010
Title: Associate Mind Mapping
Objective: To think out of the box using associate mind map
Lecture: Mr. Radzi Bedu

This week's lecture is almost same as lecture in week 4,but it is about associate mind map. Associate mind mapping can go as crazy as long as the link of topic is still there. It helps in preventing the generation of stereotype ideas. For example, when you think of turtle, slow and heavy are the stereotypes that first come to our mind although turtle is not that slow; it is fast in water, just like fishes.
Using associate mind map, we can think of anything under or even out of the sun! There is no right or wrong but only good or bad. A good idea will always related to the main topic even when it is crazy idea; while the idea is considered bad when it is not relevant at all.

Overall, today class is easy to understand.We have done some interesting class exercise before we end the class.
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Home Work

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Home work given for CNY holiday.
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Week 4 self reflection

Thursday, February 11, 2010
One thing that I have learned is that try not to give information that other people already know when doing a mind map. (We can still do that during brain storming.)

Previously, when I was asked to do a mind map, the first place that I always get the information from is my mind. Well, when the idea is in my mind, there is high possibilities that it is on others mind as well. This coincident will directly weaken the idea. So in order to get an outstanding idea, think without your mind. (That is what the lectures say, just to tell us to not think in a linear way.) It does not mean that we have to go crazy.

The mind map is a good way of generate idea, starting from brainstorming, write down whatever words come to your mind. Filter them and arrange them in a proper manner (mind mapping). Later on, improve the content by doing researches on the topic. That will make the mind map logic and at the same time unique.
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Week 4 Class Summary

Thursday, February 11, 2010
Date: 9 February 2010
Title: Mind Mapping
Objective: To understand Mind Map as a strategy @ plane
Lecture: Mustafa Bin Md Muzer

Mind map is introduced by Tony Buzan.

The 3 main functions of mind map are:
1. To take notes,
2. When doing research,
3. When generating ideas,

The basic structure of mind map is :
1 focus topic break down into several ideas and components.
Difference from brain storm, mind map is managed in a proper manner with solid contents.

How our mind works?
Left brain tend to think logically;
Right brain tend to think creatively.
So, to generate a creative mind map, practise using our right brain, try not to provide facts that people already knows.

Logical mind map connected to stereotype.
Why? When doing mind map, we tend to general random words based on common sense. As a result the contents are often related to stereotyping.
Definition of stereotype: Norms, an over simplified concept based on general agreed opinions.

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Week 3 self reflection

Thursday, February 04, 2010
One of the idea that I like during the class is the idea of own>consider>carry>use.

We have many things, but when we are thinking of what to bring out door, we zoom into particular objects. And when we are about to carry them out, we put down some more. And finally, we may or may not notice that we use only some of the things that we carried.

Same thing go to our mind. We have lots of knowledge, but when we think, we cannot recall all at once. Then we are not able to do everything that we think of, so we focus more to things that we can do. And while we are doing, we do it based on situation. So, our idea limited down to fit the objective. As for creative people, they may not follow this, because they see thing differently and always seek for new solution.

Same goes this week lecture's note. It is so compacted with texts, not all are discussed. Based on what had been discussed, not all are dropped down by learners. And based on what had been dropped down, very little learners do revision based on it.
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Week 3 Class Summary

Thursday, February 04, 2010
Date : 2 Febuary 2010
Title : Defining Creativity
Objective : To identify novelty, creativity, innovation and invention
Lecture : Mustafa Bin Md Muzer

Fresh idea that has never been though by others before.

The mean to create or generate new things.

Difference new idea that can be judge as interesting or creative. There is no wrong nor right.

Use and combine exsisting idea to create something else that content values of appreciation.

Basically, all are about something that is new, refreshing and has values. Borrowing idea may not be wrong, but they are losing their mean to do something new.
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