Week 10 class exercise

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Date: 30 March 2010
Title: Random Association
Objective: To define a solution using random words
Lecture: Mr. Radzi Bedu

How to make one stop smoking within 6 months?

Below is my mind map and juxtaposition of smoking and traffic lights.

Idea 1: Metal

Idea 2: A poster with signs

3. An attachment to cigarette, with animal nose and ugly lips.
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Week 9 Class and exercise

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Date: 23 March 2010
Title: Juxtaposition Part 3
Objective: To understand juxtaposition in action
Lecture: Mr. Radzi Bedu

Here are all the result of in-class exercise:

We are requested to write down 3 number from 00-09.
From the pictures below, you may guess what number have been chosen.

From the words that had been chosen, we built up sentences for it.

00: Fly Head---->The birds fly over his head.
02: Fly Rock---->The bird can fly with rock tied to its leg.
99: Rain Left---->There is a water drop on the left after rain.

Visualization of the sentences:

Exercise 2: Impossible living thing

The duck mouth is too big for the small size of a bug.

Exercise 3: Juxtaposition

Love is about getting used to the style of your partner.
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Week 8 exercise

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

This is a visual metaphor and the meaning behind is very obvious about the effect of global warming. Earth is fragile as egg when we fail to conserve nature.

Oxymoron. So, can we smoke??? No,because of the sign? Yes, because of the smoke container?
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week 8 class summary

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Date: 16 March 2010
Title: Juxtaposition Part 2
Objective: To understand juxtaposition in action
Lecture: Sharifah Nur Anthasha

In the previous lesson, juxtaposition is the compare and contrast of two elements. Juxtaposition in action is a cognitive process of transferring in an object to another.

There are two type of analogies:
1. Logical
- It is more to rational and base on physical appearance.
- example: duck = hovercraft, bird = airplane, wire = snake

2. Affective
- Discript emotional elements using known objects, which has similar characteristic.
- example: lazy = pig, fast = cheetah, slow = snail

Ways of expressing:
1. Metaphor: "He is as hardworking as an ant"
2. Simile: "He works like an ant"
3. Oxymoron: "He works like an lazy ant."
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Week 7 Exercise

Friday, March 05, 2010
Juxtaposition for movies:

1. Planet 52 -It is an animation by ILION animation studios.

Personal will vs public stereotype.
In the alien world, the aliens were so much influenced by the media that any unknown object that come to their planet and will kill them and control them using their superior mind power. In fact, they are creating rumors among themselves. The first alien, Lem that talk to the human, who comes to their world, learns that the mind set of the public is wrong. Human is friendly and harmless. He has the will to help him get back to Earth; but in public area, he tents to stay with the stereotype to avoid problems. So there is a big contrast between helping while pretending not to help. However in the end, he revels his will to the public and clear the misunderstanding.

2. Monster .Inc -Another animation by Pixar studios.

Scare vs laughter
The contrast in the movie is obviously the emotion of the kids. In the end, the Monster .Inc, a company, which uses children's cries as the source of energy, learn that laughter in fact is far more powerful than screams. Later, they decide to create laughter from children instead of making them scare.

3. Thinker bell, 2008- Animation by Disney animation studio.

This is a movie about creative thinking. Random juxtaposition is applied in the movie as the fairies solves many problems by using whatever things they have. Below is one of the example.

She is creating something, that function as a vacuum machine, out of some random objects.
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Week 7 Class

Friday, March 05, 2010
Date: 2 March 2010
Title: Juxtaposition
Objective: To understand juxtaposition
Lecture: Sharifah Nur Anthasha

Juxtaposition is the composition of situation in the similar manner for the purpose of compare and contrast.

Literally, juxtaposition means two matters running in contrast.For example, sad emotion and happy emotion in a movie scene. The purpose is to create curiosity about the particular situation and making the development of story more interesting.

Random juxtaposition is the technique used to generate creative thinking; by looking 2 objects in a same manner as if they are the same. For example, a problem and a random concept or object, are compared to find a new solution where no one has thought before.
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