Week 2 Personal Reflection

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
This week class is about creativity, Mr.Yap asked lots of question about it. For example, who are the person that you think they are creative? Why do like this? How? And so on. Some of us answered it logically; some just say whatever things went through their mind. Well, there is no right or wrong, it is only good or bad. Ands thing that you think well, might be bad for him, or otherwise. So, creativity is something very subjective that you cannot judge based on your point of view only.

It is true that to be creative, we should think of something more than usual. In my opinion, however, there is a limit for you to get the most acceptable and accurate answer out of the box. There are rules to be followed or to break, depend much on the situation.

For example, when you are asked to walk from point A to point B which is 1 km within 10 step counts. Normal people will try to walk as big step as possible. Creative people come with many solutions: Cycling, driving, rolling or whatever methods with 0 steps, but is it a good solution? As for me, I will still walk, but I count my steps starting from 0.0001 step, 0.0002 step, and it goes on.... which means I still follow the rule (which I walk). Some people will say I cheat. So in the end, what is creativity? Everyone have their own answer for it.


HOME WORK: Creative Image of Your Friend

This is what my friend created for me...

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Week 2 Class Summary

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Date : 26 January 2010
Title : Defining Creativity
Objective : To understand creativity
Lecture : Yap Sau Bin

The definition of creativity is the mean to think and create new ideas, to solve problems, convince a message or communicate with others.

Solving the myth of creativity:

Anyone can be creative when they have the will think difference.

Being creative is easy when we take steps in getting used to it.

Problems are there for us to solve and provide opportunity to improve, especially when we fail.

Every designer’s dirty little secret is that they copy other designers’ work. They see work that they like and they imitate it. Rather cheekily, they call this inspiration.”- AARON RUSSELL, so there is nothing so called “I am not creative because I have no new idea.”

Lastly, creativity is
An ability to think difference from others;
An attitude of being active and passive at the same time;
A process of working hard and self-improving.

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